#5111. [ZHX / UVA-1378] A Funny Stone Game

内存限制:256 MiB 时间限制:1000 ms 标准输入输出
题目类型:传统 评测方式:文本比较
上传者: Star


题目来源 UVA-1378


The funny stone game is coming. There are n piles of stones, numbered with 0, 1, 2, \dots, n − 1 . Two persons pick stones in turn. In every turn, each person selects three piles of stones numbered i , j , k ( i < j , j \le k and at least one stone left in pile i ). Then, the person gets one stone out of pile i , and put one stone into pile j and pile k respectively. (Note: if j = k , it will be the same as putting two stones into pile j ). One will fail if he can’t pick stones according to the rule.

David is the player who first picks stones and he hopes to win the game. Can you write a program to help him?

The number of piles, n , does not exceed 100 . The number of stones in each pile does not exceed 500 . Suppose the opponent player is very smart and he will follow the optimized strategy to pick stones.


Input contains several cases. Each case has two lines. The first line contains a positive integer n ( 1 \le n \le 100 )indicating the number of piles of stones. The second line contains n non-negative integers separated by blanks, S_0, \dots , S_{n − 1} (0 \le S_i \le 500) , indicating the number of stones in pile 0 to pile n − 1 respectively.

The last case is followed by a line containing a zero.


For each case, output a line in the format Game t: i j k. t is the case number. i , j and k indicates which three piles David shall select at the first step if he wants to win. If there are multiple groups of i , j and k , output the group with the minimized lexicographic order. If there are no strategies to win the game, i , j and k are equal to -1.


Sample Input

1 0 1 100
1 0 5
2 1

Sample Output

Game 1: 0 2 3
Game 2: 0 1 1
Game 3: -1 -1 -1